"They want more? Well I'll give them more" - Britney Spears
Friend of the blog @KevinMichaelT submitted this photo.
Being the generous Princess of Pop that she is, Britney Spears is bringing "...Baby" back! Late last summer, pre-orders for the prized Limited Edition vinyl release of her iconic debut album "...Baby One More Time" sold out twice.
The demand was unprecedented and Urban Outfitters mostly remained silent despite thousands of fans begging for more. Traditional media outlets even covered the frenzy.
November 1, 2017, I was one of the first customers to receive the LP, having ordered with rush shipping. Fans such as myself experienced a lot of heat for being one of the lucky few to secure a copy at face value.
That was understandable, as it came to light that literally hundreds - if not thousands - of the 2500 were purchased by eBay scalpers. A single listing on eBay currently states over 100 copies have been sold for $99+. Crazy!
A "Sold Out" placeholder page for the album sat on Urban Outfitters website for months until just recently disappearing.
Today, friend of the blog @KevinMichaelT found three copies under the "S" tab in a Toronto location. The photo above depicts the "Glory"-ous scene. When he said "you should have seen me run for it," I could literally see it in my head, because... same. He bought all three, and is shipping one to another fan - what a sweetheart!
Personally, I see this as Urban Outfitters leveling tilting the odds of getting a copy in favor of the fans. Another online listing (though possible) would definitely attract scalpers, but an in-store sale is lower profile and more likely to get into real collectors' hands.
Our local Urban Outfitters does not have the coveted LP in stock yet, so this expanded release is likely still in its rollout stage. Stay tuned on Twitter for updates!
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UPDATE #1 - 3/7/2018 7pm CT - @LuisKrayenhagen confirms to DerekPlease that Urban Outfitters in Seattle, WA has also had the vinyl in stock recently.